Welcome to St. Louis Parish in Louisville, Colorado, a close-knit community, welcoming all families and visitors to the Catholic Church!
At St. Louis Parish we proclaim, celebrate and live the more abundant life of Jesus through comprehensive formation in the faith, through a rich sacramental and prayer life, and through fellowship in Christ. We are committed to the missionary discipleship of the New Evangelization and, with Pope Francis, “invite all to a personal encounter with Jesus Christ.”
”“Every one of us has inside of ourselves things that weigh on us. We are all sinners! Let’s profit from this moment that is coming and cross the threshold of this mercy of God that never tires of forgiving, never tires of waiting for us. God looks to us and is always next to us. Courage! Let’s go in this door!”
Pope Francis
Browse for more information here or call the main office at 303-666-6401.
Reconciliation Times
Saturday: 9:00 AM in the church.
Adoration & Prayer Hour
Thursday: 7:00 PM in the church.